Saturday, February 26, 2011

Living In The Bohemian Closet (Literally)

Well, I've been listing vintage clothing on eBay for the past month, and I had forgotten how much room it takes up.  Spent the day doing some reorganizing - had to.  Showed Sarah one of my storage closets, the one that's stuffed with beaded sequinned dresses and jackets. She said, "Oh, my...are the Pointer Sisters coming over?"

So I spent the day restoring order in my house, and the chaos is under control for the moment.  There is a sequin closet and a vintage coats and furs closet.  The lingerie has its own over the door hook.  The "To Be Listed" have two other over the door hooks.

I have cleared room in my eBay room for a rolling rack, soon to come.  Time to get listing since I didn't get anything listed yesterday.